About the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

The largest administrative-territorial unit in the world and the largest region of Russia - if it does not exist, then the country's territory will decrease by 1/5. If you transfer to a map of Europe, then Yakutia will occupy half this map!
On the map of Russian regions, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) captures the eye immediately: it occupies almost a fifth of the country's territory.

The dimensions of Yakutia are staggering. Its area is 3083.5 thousand km², which is slightly less than India.

Among the states of Yakutia, it would occupy the 8th place in the world, and among the regions of all countries it has no equal in area.

Less than 1 million people live in this whole space, that is, the average population density is less than 3 people per km², despite the fact that two thirds of the population of Yakutia are in cities.

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